SuperTuxKart é un corredor arcade de código aberto en 3D cunha variedade de personaxes, pistas e modos para xogar. Descobre máis…

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    Derradeira publicación do blog

    ..:: Why average FPS and 1% low FPS are misleading ::..

    SuperTuxKart 1.5 will feature a new integrated benchmark helping players to pick settings and to easily compare how different devices perform.

    This blog post dives on some of the details behind the design of this feature and showcase the benchmark mode in action. Check it out here.

    ..:: On the way towards 1.5… and 2.0! ::..

    5 years after the release of SuperTuxKart 1.0, the release of STK 1.5 is drawing close.

    But the team has also started to work on the next major release that will feature new tracks and major gameplay changes.

    Read the full blog post here.

    ..:: SuperTuxKart 1.4 is ready! ::..

    Hi everyone,

    STK 1.4 is now available, we recommend macOS <= 10.14 players to try this release since it fixed the Gatekeeper crashing issue found in 1.3.

    For details read our blog post.

    Download now here.

    ..:: SuperTuxKart 1.4 release candidate is out! ::..

    Hi everyone,

    First release candidate of STK 1.4 is now available!

    This is the first release featuring an experimental Vulkan renderer, for details read our blog.

    Download now here.

    ..:: SuperTuxKart 1.3 is ready! ::..

    Hi everyone,

    STK 1.3 is now available:

    For details read our blog post

    Download now here

    ..:: SuperTuxKart 1.3 release candidate is out! ::..

    Hi everyone,

    First release candidate of STK 1.3 is now available:

    For details read our blog post

    Download now here

    ..:: SuperTuxKart 1.2 is ready! ::..

    Hi everyone,

    STK 1.2 is now available:

    For details read our blog post

    Download now here

    ..:: SuperTuxKart 1.1 is ready! ::..

    Hi everyone,

    STK 1.1 is now available:

    For details read our blog post

    Download now here

    ..:: SuperTuxKart 1.0 is out! ::..

    The long awaited 1.0 release of SuperTuxKart, supporting online multiplayer for the first time, along with many other improvements, is out!

    For details visit our blog, download it now here